Be Boring

Be boring. We are barraged with gorgeous food photos and brilliant recipe ideas to encourage us to “next level” all sorts of dishes. And it is a blast, for sure, to be inspired or to inspire, and turn the creative juices on. To flavor-bomb your guests. But food can also taste just as amazing by turning the volume down. Alice Waters, of Chez Pannise, once said, “Let things taste for what they are.” Its a good reminder.

So today I made a boring sandwich. I suppose I could have next level’d it with crazy ingredients or wild condiments like a Bam Bam sauce (no clue what that is but I’m sure it exists). Or I could have “deconstructed” it in some way (wouldn’t that just be a salad?). And then spend time crafting a complicated, one of a kind recipe. But why. I just wanted a really good sandwich. And this was. Two slices of multigrain bread, fresh tomato with a little salt and pepper, fresh roasted turkey and smoked ham from a butcher (not that processed sh*t), some micro greens I picked up from Bee Simple at the farmers market (@bee_simple) a spread of Dijon and a splash of balsamic (in this case @sprigvineevoo …. holy crap it’s good). Everything was allowed to taste for what they were. Boring? Maybe. Delicious? Absolutely.