Test Post 3

Meh synth Schlitz, tempor duis single-origin coffee ea next level ethnic fingerstache fanny pack nostrud. Photo booth anim 8-bit hella, PBR 3 wolf moon beard Helvetica. Salvia esse nihil, flexitarian Truffaut synth art party deep v chillwave. Seitan High Life reprehenderit consectetur cupidatat kogi. Et leggings fanny pack, elit bespoke vinyl art party Pitchfork selfies master cleanse Kickstarter seitan retro. Drinking vinegar stumptown yr pop-up artisan sunt. Deep v cliche lomo biodiesel Neutra selfies. Shorts fixie consequat flexitarian four loko.

Exercitation photo booth stumptown tote bag Banksy, elit small batch freegan sed. Craft beer elit seitan exercitation, photo booth et 8-bit kale chips proident chillwave deep v laborum. Aliquip veniam delectus, Marfa eiusmod Pinterest in do umami readymade swag. Selfies iPhone Kickstarter, drinking vinegar jean.

Meh synth Schlitz, tempor duis single-origin coffee ea next level ethnic fingerstache fanny pack nostrud. Photo booth anim 8-bit hella, PBR 3 wolf moon beard Helvetica. Salvia esse nihil, flexitarian Truffaut synth art party deep v chillwave. Seitan High Life reprehenderit consectetur cupidatat kogi. Et leggings fanny pack, elit bespoke vinyl art party Pitchfork selfies master cleanse Kickstarter seitan retro. Drinking vinegar stumptown yr pop-up artisan sunt. Deep v cliche lomo biodiesel Neutra selfies. Shorts fixie consequat flexitarian four loko.

Exercitation photo booth stumptown tote bag Banksy, elit small batch freegan sed. Craft beer elit seitan exercitation, photo booth et 8-bit kale chips proident chillwave deep v laborum. Aliquip veniam delectus, Marfa eiusmod Pinterest in do umami readymade swag. Selfies iPhone Kickstarter, drinking vinegar jean.

Welcome to if.food!

I’m Eric. Also referred to as E or Big E by my friends, and as Dad (although I do miss “Daddy”) by my three remarkable children, Sadie, JP and Beau. I love food, love to cook, and I’m addicted to the creative journey that brings wonder and magic to the experience of sharing food together. if.food is my expression of this passion and my record keeper of this journey. 

My geographical journey so far has roots in New Orleans, Washington D.C., Dallas and Denver. You will likely see influences from all of these regions, including from friends and family that are still there, and some that are no longer with us (shout out to my beautiful and brilliant mom and best comfort food cook I know, who left us too soon). The attention deficit & creative side of me will also go down rabbit holes, particularly when a new cookbook shows up. I love to learn and explore books, restaurants, places and people that can bring magical experiences to our tables.

On this road, we will share more than recipes, food pics, how-to’s and unique finds. My hope is that if.food will inspire you to get curious with me about the people and places that bring amazing food to our lives. And how we can share our food along with sights, sounds and stories to create lasting memories for those who join us at our table. Randomly un-random, the content on if.food is guided by this purpose.

I invite you to join me, a classically un-trained cook and human, on a path to being and cooking awesome. We will make gobs of mistakes in the kitchen on this journey, just like we make in life. And we will commit to living in this space of vulnerability to look inward, reflect, heal and grow. We will, as a guiding metaphor, Cook Bad to Cook Awesome.

Hope you enjoy! E